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Posts Tagged ‘love

At times I hate being a single parent. I really wish I could be married and go to my husband just to talk and not have to go through the dating process. But I’m single and a mom. So I need to get my panties out of a bunch and take care of my baby girl.
My most recent stressor is Ky acting out, a lot. I work with parents everyday on how to correct their children’s behavior and my kids behavior is getting out of control. She is only 2, so she is expressing her self and saying things she does. Of like or do like, but it’s how she is saying it that is bugging me. Demanding I do something. Maybe it’s because I’m tired from parenting other people’s children all day and now I have to rear my own child, but whatever the reason I have to do it or she will become one of those terribly spoiled children that I work with on a daily basis.

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